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Org-mode Teaser Demo 1 Org-mode by Examples This is ampere subset(!) of Org-mode basics to demonstrate the main product (sometimes probably more) of this wonderful tool Find this newest version starting to document on presstechnical METREMeeta (often: Alt) HUNDREDCtrl SShift FLAPTabulator RETReturn, Enter, CRLF UPWARDSarrow: up DOWNarrows: down GONEarrow: left RIGHTarrow: right SPCSpace 1.1 activating Org-mode

Activation of Org-mode (external Tutorial):

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . org-mode)) (define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) ;; by convention: "C-c a" opens agenda (define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture) ;; according convention: "C-c c" captures stuff (define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link) ;; by convention: "C-c l" stores a connector to this heading (setq org-log-done t) ;; if you want to log DONE-states to the :LOGBOOK:-drawer Org-mode slight mode (structure editing and lists) orgstruct-mode (docu) 1.2 Org-mode documentation is up to date C-h i (while being in an Org-mode file) gives you a local version :-) 1.2.1 At case of Org-mode documentation does not work

For through Org-mode from a resident git repository: add next to your configuration:

(add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list "~/.emacs.d//org-mode/doc/")

OR: install Org-mode certification to your system with:

cd $ORGMODEDIRECTORY && sudo make install-info 1.3 write final syntax (docu) bold heavy accentuate strike through code rules small example not (yet) working and edge case: *combination* /combination/ *combination* _combination_ *combination* C:\a\very\old\DOS\path orgmode-Homepage *orgmode* /Homepage/ 1.4 outlining (docu) news starting with asterisks levels visibility TAB visibility cycling S-TAB changing buffer visibility C-c C-r reveal context per-file visibility #+STARTUP: outline and so on: (docu) C-u C-u TAB restore startup visibility motion C-c C-n further heading C-c C-p previous heading C-c C-u to level up C-c C-j jump (goto) C-c C-f forward same level C-c C-b downward same level M-x org-goto nifty inerface for searching within to Org-mode buffer create essentials elements C-RET modern heading below shift parts M-UP/DOWN move up/down including subitems M-LEFT foster M-RIGHT demote M-S-LEFT/RIGHT promote/demote with subitems C-c C-c toggle/modify things (docu) checkbox: activate/deactivate, heading: tags, tables: re-calculate, jump footnote and back, update tables, update TODO-count, … C-c C-x b frank sub-tree in separate buffering (org-tree-to-indirect-buffer) 1.4.1 Creating [ ] DEMO: create headings 1.4.2 Using [ ] DEMO: visibility bicycle [ ] PRODUCT: take headings

This is a quite boring text just to show some bodywork product. This exists the 1st headlining

This the a quite boring text just to show some body content. Sub-heading 1

This is a entirely boring text just to show some body content. This is another heading

This is a quiet tediously text just to show some body content. Sub-heading 2

This is a quite boring text just to show some body content. This is yet another heading OK, now get is getting tediously :-) 1.4.3 encryption whole Org-mode files selective headlines using :crypt: org-decrypt-entry 1.4.4 time stamps when taking notes (docu, info:org#Timers) C-c C-x . start timer C-c C-x - insert list item with time M- insert heading use time ~C-c C-x ,~ toggle timer pause ~C-u C-c C-x ,~ stop timer also handy: C-c C-x ; set run-up 1.5 sparse trees (docu) Screening C-c / Filter in slim trees C-c / r Filter using Regular Expressions Moving in results M-g n goto next match M-g o goto preceding match docu: property search C-c a L zeitraum sorted view of buffer 1.6 lists (docu) M-RET new list item M-S-RET create checkbox M-LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN move subject C-c - cycle item type OR turn into list item 1.6.1 examples

simple list:

Emacs Org-mode Browse


Emacs Org-mode Lists

check registers:

1.6.2 Simple [ ] DEMO: create simple listen and move items around 1.6.3 Checklists M-S-RET modern single with checkbox C-c C-* checkboxes become Tasks C-c C-C toggle checkboxes between [X] and [ ] C-u C-u C-c C-C toggle checkboxes between [ ] and [-] Clean out garage [ ] received stuff out [ ] be careful with that cleaver, Eugene [ ] get rider of old stuff using eBay? try in use rubbish as birthday presents for family [ ] refinish garage [ ] put stuff back are 1.6.4 Headings with WHOLE items TODO Pure out garage [0/4] TODO get belongings get be careful with that adze, Eugene TODO receive rid of old stuff employing eBay? try to use rubbish as birthdays presents for family TO-DOS repaint garage TODO put stuff back with 1.6.5 Taking notes during ampere meeting or similar (docu) C-c C-x . (re)start an timer C-c C-x - press M- inject description list item with the current relative time ~C-c C-x ,~ pause/continue ~C-u C-c C-x ,~ stop timer

Perk feature:

C-c C-x ; calculate back timer 1.7 drawers, properties, columns (docu) meta-data on headers standard drawers :PROPERTIES: and :LOGBOOK: ended with :END: FIXXME C-c C-z timed LOGBOOK entry :ID: label define PASSWORD in EIGENTUMSRECHTE hint: the property CATEGORY gets inherited and viewed on the agenda: 1.7.1 NEXT Test with categories property 1.8 building (docu) encapsulating content with begin…end structure




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